domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

Am I crazy? Still miss my baby

It's been in the past for a while
I get a flash and I smile
Am I crazy
Still miss you, baby
It was real
It was right
But it burned too hot to survive
All that's left is,
All these ashes

Where does the love go
I don't know
When it's all set and done
How could I be losing you forever,
After all the time we spent together
I have to know why I had to lose you
Now you've just become like everything
I'll never find again
At the bottom of the ocean

In a dream, you appear
For a while, you were here
So I keep sleeping,
Just to keep you with me
I'll draw a map,
Connect the dots
With all the memories that I got
What I'm missing,
I'll keep reliving

Where does the love go,
I don't know
When it's all set and done
How could I be losing you forever,
After all the time we spent together
I have to know why I had to lose you
Now you've just become like everything
I'll never find again,
At the bottom of the ocean

This is it
Let go

You don't have to love me for me
To baby ever understand
Just know I love the time we both had
And I don't ever want to see you sad
Be happy
And I don't wanna hold you
If you don't wanna tell me you love me babe
Just know I'm gonna have to walk away
I'll be big enough for both of us to say
Be happy

Be happy for me

DIOS ME VOY A SUICIDAR, por favor, quiero dejar de llorar, quiero tener amigos, quiero ser normal, ser rara es horrible, no entiendo porque alguna vez me gustaba, no entiendo porque pense que estar triste era bueno o interesante o la mierda que sea, es lo peor que pude haber hecho en mi vida, no entiendo porque soy tan destructiva, porque no puedo aceptar la felicidad, no entiendo porque no me fui con mi REAL amiga en vez de creer que me estaba equivocando y dejar que el miedo me usara
ahora estoy sola, ni si quiera tengo algo que decir, soy tan imbecil

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